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Natural Mothers Club

Natural Baby Care

​Making Natural Baby Shampoo

Following the birth of your baby, one of the most pleasant and stressful moments will be the baby's bath. During this bath, you will make intense efforts not to hurt and not to catch a cold.

Natural Baby Care

​Natural Baby Cream

Skin problems such as dryness and diaper rash that your baby may experience can cause problems and this can reduce the quality of life.

Natural Recipes

​Natural Cough Syrup

You can stop your baby's cough, which occurs during the cold winter months or seasonal transitions, in the most natural way with this recipe.

Natural Baby Care

​Natural Fly Repellent

One of the biggest problems for your baby, especially in the summer period, is mosquitoes. The thin skin and inactivity of babies make them very good prey for mosquitoes.

Natural Recipes

Biscuit Fruit Food

Walnuts, which are rich in omega-3 and contribute to brain development; We have brought together apples rich in vitamins such as A, B1, B2, C and minerals such as iodine